Our Writing

We love writing on all sorts of topics, ranging from web development to the environment and anything else we feel passionate about. Checkout our most recent posts below.


Our Writing

Latest posts.

Dynamic social images with Nuxt, Cloud Functions and Cloudinary

Every little helps when trying to get your content noticed on social media, and having an eye-catching sharing image could be the difference between getting someone passing you by or someone clicking through. This post will guide you by creating dynamic social sharing images unique to each page/post using Firebase cloud functions, Cloudinary and Nuxt.

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Pixelhop new website walk through

We recently released a new version of our site. The goal was to better showcase our skills, personalities and values as a company. It was super fun to design and build, so we thought we would walk you through some details about our favourite bits.

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Pixelhop update 🐰

Well it's been quite some time, months have passed since our last blog post. A hell of a lot has happened in the world over the past year we thought we should give an update on some changes we've had at Pixelhop. I suppose I should start where we left off and update on our side project- Be the Forest.

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